Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Blue Heaven

I am going through a phase of watching movies from the 80's and early 90's. I get on IMDB, search an actor, and then add their movies to my blockbuster que. Right now I am going through Steve Martin movies. My Blue Heaven was made in 1990. It has Steve Martin, Rick Moranis, and Joan Cusack. Steve Martin plays an Italian mobster that was just put into the witness protection program, and Rick Moranis is the FBI agent that is supposed to watch over him. Martin plays a pretty good Italian, he even changed his hair color. It obiviously had a Steve Martin twist to the part, but I thought he played the part well. Martin finds a way to continue to get into trouble and that is when Joan Cusack comes into the film. She is the assistant general attorney, and Joan Cusack who I think plays all of her parts so well, did a really good job. I find her really funny. She is going through a divorce, as is Moranis, the nerdy FBI agent. Of course each time Martin gets into trouble Moranis has to come and get Martin out of jail, and that is when one of the greatest on screen romances begins. Rick Moranis and Joan Cusack. I will let you picture that. Needless to say the movie has a happy ending, but like most of these old movies it is a very simple movie, and simple humor, which is what I enjoy. I thought that Rick Moranis and Steve Martin and Joan Cusack all played off of each other well, and had great chemistry. Overall 3.5 stars.(I go off of the the tradition 0-5 stars rating system).

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