Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Back to the Future

I accomplished something tonight that very few people in my generation can say they have done. I was able to watch one of movies greatest science fiction movies on the big screen, Back to the Future. A theater nearby has been doing this for about a year now, they will screen older movies each week. Something to bring in extra business during the week. Although they do a terrible job advertising it, which I honestly am not upset about because it keeps the crowds down, but I love the idea. I have been able to see Home Alone, The Sound of Music, and Rocky. Movies that I never had enjoyed on the big screen before. They do a great job of digitally remastering them to appear brand new.

Back to the Future has been one of my favorite movies and trilogies since I was a kid. I remember plenty of Saturday mornings watching them over and over. The VHS box set we have includes a bonus tap that goes behind the scenes and it is hosted by Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron.

Huey Lewis
I know how the filmed the hover board scenes in the 2nd movie, that Huey Lewis makes a cameo, and that during the opening the first movie they pan across all these clocks, there is one that has a guy hanging from a clock tower just like it happens later on. Yeah I like the movie.

I was rather impressed with the attendance, it was probably 3/4ths full. The crowd was into it as well, cheering when Michael J Fox mad his appearance in front of the huge speaker. It was a fun environment.

I don't even feel like I need to give a run down of the movie because I expect that all of you have seen the movie. But for those of you that are missing that little something in your life, I will share a quick run down of the movie.

Marty McFly

Michael J Fox plays Marty McFly, a skateboarding, guitar playing high school kid that is just cruising through life with his girl friend Jennifer. Marty is friends with Dr. Emmett Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd. Dr. Brown is a crazy scientist, who is onto something huge.

Dr. Emmett Brown

Dr. Brown has Marty meet him at the mall parking lot at 1:15 am to help him with an experiment. The first part of the experiment is successfully making Einstein, Dr. Browns dog, be first the first time traveler.

The Delorean

The time machine is a Delorean that runs on petroleum. The petroleum was stolen from some Libyans that show up at the mall parking lot to get revenge. To get away Marty jumps into the Delorean and when the car reaches 88 mph it travels to the designated space in time.

Which for Marty was November 5th, 1955, 30 years earlier. When Marty gets there he is lost. Knowing that he needs to get back to 1985 he tracks down Dr. Brown who helps him get back to 1985.

While Marty is stuck in 1955 he happens to run into his mom and dad before they meet. Ironically Marty's future mom falls for him, and Marty's future is now in jeopardy.

Marty and his future mom

While Dr. Brown is working on getting the Delorean fixed, Marty has to work on getting his mom to fall for his dad rather then himself. There are plenty of obstacles that they run into, and the results have bigger consequences then you realize.

Marty with his parents
I could get heavy (it doesn't have to do with weight) and dive into how Back to the Future shows what a decision can do to our future.  Who we choose as friends, what job we have, where we live, and where we go to school all have a huge impact on where we end up. But this movie is so great that just by simply watching it you will be entertained.

Back to the Future is part of one of my favorite trilogies, what is your favorite trilogy? Share in the comments. 
(Here is a link to Century Movie theater in Salt Lake City to see what upcoming movies they will be screening Century 16 Salt Lake.)

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Contributor Mub takes us back to 1986...

Lets talk the year 1986 people, I grew up believing there were robots that were developing human brains making them more like people

Short Circuit

...that I could get away with never going to school ("Ferris Bueller"),

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

...that I could wish someone away to the land of eternal stench, but would have to face the consequence of fighting off David Bowie and his massive leotard unit, 

...or that I could easily fly an F-14 tomcat upside-down parallel with another jet while simultaneously flipping the bird at them.
Top Gun

 Ya '86 movies were awesome. If you don't believe me, google that shiz.   

Now, I am a man, I enjoy farting, throwing hatchets, urinating outside, eating raw meat, and day dreaming about how I would defuse a situation using my surroundings and ninja tactics. That being said I would like to introduce one of the most underrated manly movies ever. "COBRA", this is the best work that Sylvester Stallone has done. 

He plays Marion Cobretti, a member of the "Zombie Squad" which is the most hardcore "street" police unit there is. Knowing his given name sounds a bit girly, he goes by Cobra to establish dominance and fear to his enemies. He wears oversized aviator sunglasses at all times because the sun never sets on "cool", he always has a match in his mouth in case he needs to light something or someone on fire, and always knows the best things to say to a bad guy like "Your the disease, and I'm the cure".  So there is your badass main charactor. 

Now the story circles around Cobra protecting a hottie who witnessed a murder committed by an ax clinging night slasher gang who will stop at nothing to kill her. Also included are car chases, a bikini photo shoot with robots (awesome), gun fights, and one of the best good guy/bad guy showdowns shot with a camera. I almost pooed myself when seeing IMDB had this movie as a 5.5 star out of 10. I give it a 9.5 but with the bikini dancing around robot scene I give it a 12.3. 

The seven layers of Kevin Bacon for this movie is 1-Sylvester Stalone was in "The Expendables" with Dolph Lundgrin who was in 2- "Masters Of The Universe" with Courtney Cox who was in 3- Scream 3 with Neve Campbell who was in 4- "Wild Things" with KEVIN BACON!! Also, best food and beverage to have while enjoying "Cobra", funnions and apple beer.

Do you agree that Cobra is the best movie of 1986? Share you favorite movie from 1986 in the comments.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


To widen the variety of movies that get discussed, I have invited  Mub Bardsley to contribute to Casual Cinema. His movies will primarily be from the movie vault. I am excited for his insight and humor to be shared with his movie reviews. 

What is it about older movies that captivate and make people think of childhood cinema in higher regard than newer movies. It can't be the special effects, props or the cinematography, The leaps and bounds in technology astound me sometimes, with how real things look and sound. Is it just because we are so impressionable up to a certain age. Take movie quotes for an example. 

Example- "HEY YOU GUYS!"
or- "Your killin' me smalls"
or- "We got no food, no jobs.......our pets HEADS ARE FALLIN OFF!"

With the above quotes I don't even need to say the movie and everyone knows what movie they came from.

I just searched the top 3 grossing movies in 2012 and up popped- Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, The Hobbit, and The Avengers, all of which I have seen and enjoyed, but I could not think of one quote from any of them, can you? I don't know maybe the next generation will be quoting lines from these 3 movies 20 years down the road. I guess my point is... old movies rock. 

The first oldy but goodie I want to review is the all time epic "Willow" if you have not seen this movie, roll your fist in a ball and punch yourself in the genitalia. It all starts in the Nelwin forest where Willow Ufgoods children find a baby floating in a river near their village. This baby is all that stands in the way of destruction from the evil Queen Bavmorda. 

Now anyone who knows me knows my fascination with midgets, and this movie has gobs. Fat midgets, skinny midgets, dancing midgets, wizard midgets, simply put, the celestial kingdom of midgets. Do yourself a favor and go buy, not rent, this movie. 

By the way its the best role Val Kilmer has ever played. Here are the seven layers of Kevin Bacon to Willow. 1-Val Kilmer was also in Top gun with Tom Cruise 2- Tom Cruise is in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon. Boom 2 layers!!