Sunday, June 30, 2013

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

One of my favorite movies from last year was Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. Partially because Emily Blunt is a favorite, but the story is more then just a complicated love story. It directed my thought inward, looking at my ability to go through life with faith rather than relying on a knowledge  of the results of my decisions.

It stars Ewan McGregor and Emily Blunt. There is a rich Yemeni Sheikh that has a vision to bring salmon fishing to his native Yemen. Ewan McGregor's plays Dr. Alfred Jones a fisheries expert in Britain, and is approached by the Sheikh's assistant Emily Blunt, Harriet to assist on the project. Dr. Jones doesn't think that it is even worth talking about and doesn't want to help, but when there becomes pressure from the prime minister to get a 'good will' story out of the middle east he is forced to help. The Sheikh has unlimited resources and faith, that the project will work. Dr. Jones also is having trouble with his marriage and so he decides to jump in and see where it takes him. While the fish project was starting to take off Harriet's boyfriend is deployed to Afghanistan, and as expected adds more stress in her life. That is where the love story gets complicated, and attracts the romance fans.

My favorite scene is when the Sheikh and Dr. Jones are fly fishing, and they are discussing the project. The Sheikh can tell that Dr. Jones is more than doubtful of the project. Dr. Jones had stated that he is more of a facts and figures man, they go on to have this exchange:

  1. Sheikh Muhammed: You're not a religious man?
  2. Dr. Alfred Jones: No. No, I'm not.
  3. Sheikh Muhammed: But you're a fisherman, Dr. Jones.
  4. Dr. Alfred Jones: I'm sorry, I don't follow.
  5. Sheikh Muhammed: How many hours do you fish before you catch something? Dozens?
  6. Dr. Alfred Jones: Gosh, hundreds sometimes.
  7. Sheikh Muhammed: Is that a good use of your time for a facts-and-figures man? But you persist in the wind and the rain and the cold with such poor odds of success. Why? Because you're a man of faith, Dr. Alfred.

I feel that there is a message there that can be related to our individual lives. No matter how  bad things get we still get out of bed each day. There is embedded in everyone a level of faith that tomorrow will be better. We all 'persist in the wind and the rain and the cold with such poor odds of success' because we will catch that fish. Faith is often connected to religion, but I don't see that it is always the case. Faith is acting on a hope for things that we don't see but believe in. Wether that is in a God, a better life, a promotion at work, winning the championship. They are all things we cannot see right now but we simply hope for, and believe that if we act on that hope that we will achieve that goal or come to a knowledge of that belief. 

That was the case for the Sheikh, he had a hope that he would be able to bring salmon fishing to his country. The Sheikh saw salmon fishing as something that all social classes, all political parties, all religions could do and be equal. It was something that his people could do and put all differences aside, and for that moment have peace in his land. 

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