To widen the variety of movies that get discussed, I have invited Mub Bardsley to contribute to Casual Cinema. His movies will primarily be from the movie vault. I am excited for his insight and humor to be shared with his movie reviews.
What is it about older movies that captivate and make people think of childhood cinema in higher regard than newer movies. It can't be the special effects, props or the cinematography, The leaps and bounds in technology astound me sometimes, with how real things look and sound. Is it just because we are so impressionable up to a certain age. Take movie quotes for an example.
Example- "HEY YOU GUYS!"
or- "Your killin' me smalls"
or- "We got no food, no jobs.......our pets HEADS ARE FALLIN OFF!"
With the above quotes I don't even need to say the movie and everyone knows what movie they came from.
I just searched the top 3 grossing movies in 2012 and up popped- Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, The Hobbit, and The Avengers, all of which I have seen and enjoyed, but I could not think of one quote from any of them, can you? I don't know maybe the next generation will be quoting lines from these 3 movies 20 years down the road. I guess my point is... old movies rock.
The first oldy but goodie I want to review is the all time epic "Willow" if you have not seen this movie, roll your fist in a ball and punch yourself in the genitalia. It all starts in the Nelwin forest where Willow Ufgoods children find a baby floating in a river near their village. This baby is all that stands in the way of destruction from the evil Queen Bavmorda.
Now anyone who knows me knows my fascination with midgets, and this movie has gobs. Fat midgets, skinny midgets, dancing midgets, wizard midgets, simply put, the celestial kingdom of midgets. Do yourself a favor and go buy, not rent, this movie.
By the way its the best role Val Kilmer has ever played. Here are the seven layers of Kevin Bacon to Willow. 1-Val Kilmer was also in Top gun with Tom Cruise 2- Tom Cruise is in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon. Boom 2 layers!!
oh goodness gracious. this is great